Tuesday, November 30, 2010

[KITlist-Tech] Sue on radio tonight sharing the KIT Story and how to deal with the "bumps in the road"


Hello Everyone,

I wanted to let you know about a radio program tonight where I
will talk about the KIT List and share the life lessons the great
people on our list have taught me -- and how I now view adversity, or
what I call "the bumps in the road," in a different way.

You can tune in tonight at 7:30 p.m. on 90.3 FM.

If you're outside the San Francisco Bay Area, you can go to the
program's site at www.KUSF.org and click "Listen Now."

The radio program is hosted by Tresa Eyres and Janet Gallin. Tresa was
responsible for the KIT List getting the Jefferson Award for community
service when she nominated us. We were featured on CBS 5 and KCBS this

Tresa and Janet's mission through their Love Letters Live radio
program, blog and workshops (www.LoveLetterSquad.com) is to help all
walks of people communicate important messages via a well-worded
letter. They've helped people write especially difficult or meaningful
letters such as to lost family members, adoptive children to their
biological mothers, people who have been pivotal in someone's life, or
to a person who was key in someone's career. Their mission is to
change the world, one letter at a time.

In our fast-paced world of technology and distractions, the art of
communication has been lost. Tresa and Janet help people commit
important messages to paper, which then can bring new breakthroughs or
convey vital messages that change lives.

My letter is to a woman on the KIT List who emailed me years ago, when
I was struggling with the workload alone and didn't think I could keep
it going. I was thinking of ending the KIT List.

She wrote that her husband was dying of cancer, she was the sole
breadwinner with three children, and that she was out of work. She
wanted to tell me that she appreciated the KIT List. I realized that
while I was having my own challenges, that they paled in comparison to
what this courageous woman was facing, and that has been my motivator
many times to keep the KIT List going.

I have tried many times over the years to find that woman, since I
want to know how she and her family are doing, and if her husband was
able to beat the cancer.

I'm hoping that somehow through tonight's radio program, or through
someone on the KIT List, that I'll be able to connect with her and let
her know how important her email was to me during a tough time, and to
hear how her family is faring. Serendipity works that way!

Tune into tonight's program and see if Tresa and Janet can inspire you
to write that important letter you always meant to write!

Take care,


KIT List Founder

Sent from my iPhone (please excuse any typos!)

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